We started cracking up and couldn't stop!!!It really did seem like we were 15 again!!haha We even took some really HOT pics!!! (inside joke!) It was incredible! La novela chilena que se llamaba bbrujas/b también estuvo divertida! ...
La Noche de Las bBrujas/b, or Halloween, is loosely celebrated on October 31st. Some attention is paid to trick-or-treating for the children. November All Saints Day is celebrated on the first, with All Souls Day following on the second. ...
Cacer=EDas de bbrujas/b comienzas. Se comenta que embrujan, hechizan, encantan, derriten carteras ajenas. Hechicera, inicia tu temporada dando vuelta, Buscando portada, con esa cara, asfixiada. Dura como m=E1rmol de muralla china. ...